1933 West Grange Avenue, Milwaukee, WI 53221 (Map) | (414) 282-8680

Prayer Requests 05-15-22

“Prayers don’t need to be long or eloquent, they need only come from a sincere and humble heart.”

Amelia Melendez sister, Bertha, was hospitalized for a severe internal infection. She has been moved out of the ICU. Amelia asks us to please keep her sister in our prayers and to also pray for the doctors who are caring for her.

Sharon Erato had a double lung and a kidney transplant Friday. She is breathing on her own and was able to say a couple words to her son on the phone yesterday. (Her throat is raw) She has been up and on several short walks already! Her husband, Frank, expresses his gratitude to Southside and greatly appreciates the love and prayers.

Barb Dawson will see her Orthopedic Doctor Thursday for a follow up on the progress of her healing, which is taking longer than hoped. She asks prayers for good news and that she will be able to start physical therapy.

Andrea Maybin asks prayers for her dear friend Helaine who is still battling cancer. She also asks prayers for the Maybin family.
