Exodus 3:1-12.
Like Abram (Gen 12), Shiphrah and Puah (Exodus 1), Moses was used by God to do extraordinary things. Known as the dispenser of the law and a prophet, Moses, whose name means “to pull/draw out [of water],” was adopted by Pharaoh’s daughter, grew up as an Egyptian, but left the palace to identify with the people of God and was instrumental in leading them out of bondage to the brink of the Promised Land. If successful, this sermon will highlight how God used Moses’ occupation and empowered him, despite his weaknesses, to be a leader that in some circles rivaled even the authority of Jesus (see Hebrews 3). May I suggest pondering the following to prepare for the message:
- What is Moses’ occupation? What did it entail? How might it have shaped him to deal with issues? How does this relate to church elders?
- What does the burning bush symbolize?
- Can you look back on previous jobs you had and see how God prepared you for something to serve the Kingdom?
Listen to the sermon: