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Into the Hands of a Woman – Deborah March 5, 2023

Judges 4:1-23

The Old Testament book, Judges, covers Israel’s history between entering the Promised Land and the Monarchy (the period when Israel had kings ruling over them). If you read through Judges, there’s some tough stuff that becomes more palatable when keeping in mind the recurring phrase appearing in 17:6, 18:1, 19:1 and at the book’s conclusion: “In those days Israel had no king; everyone did as they saw fit” (21:25). Typical of Judges is the following cycle:

  1. Sin (Israel disobeys God and goes after other gods)
  2. Punishment (God hands Israel over to another nation)
  3. Repentance (Punishment leads Israel to repentance)
  4. Deliverance (God raises up a Judge to deliver Israel from oppression)

The sermon will cover Judges chapter 4; we’ll look at how God uses the prophetess Deborah, the warrior Barak, and a woman named Jael to carry out His good purposes. Bonus points: Prepare for worship by reading Judges chapter 5, which recounts the events of chapter 4 in a song of praise. See here Judges 5 NIV – The Song of Deborah – On that day – Bible Gateway


Listen to the sermon:


