1933 West Grange Avenue, Milwaukee, WI 53221 (Map) | (414) 282-8680

Sunday Hand Out Information 09-3-23

September 3, 2023

Please pick up a communion pack when coming into the auditorium if you will be joining with the Lord’s Supper.

Sunday morning Bible class is currently studying in Acts and we are at chapter 25.  Wednesday evening Bible class is in the minor prophets.

rough-draft directory has been posted for corrections in the hallway near the church office.

If you are ill or have had recent contact with someone who is ill, please stay home.  There is no evening worship at this time.

Today is First Sunday First Fruits. Tables are set up in room 4.

Today, about 5 minutes after the worship, we are planning 15 minutes of prayer in the fellowship room for Southside.

The First Tuesday Men’s Fellowship and Study Group is planned for Tuesday at the building at 6:30 p.m. with food provided.

Special Events

WCYC dates: Midwest Preachers September 24.

Labor Day Open Yard/Pool is planned any time after 1 PM on Monday, September 4. Dinner is planned for 5 PM. See the Bruce or Karen Williams for details.

The second annual Wisconsin Churches of Christ Reunion picnic is being planned for Sept. 9 at Jordan Park in Stevens Point.  Carpooling is encouraged.  Please contact Gerold Bohm (gerobohm@wi-net.com) for details.

The Fond du Lac church is planning a Friends and Family Day Saturday, September 16, noon, for a picnic and games.  Margaret Franzen plans to go and would be happy to carpool.  The minister there and his wife are planning to attend a meeting for ministers in Tennessee.

Hampton Ave. is planning a Men’s Retreat between October and December.  For more information, contact Brother Driver (803-960-6715) or Brother Stevens (414-699-5842) if you would like to attend.

Fireside matinee outing to Scrooge the Musical is being planned for Saturday, December 9, 2023, arrive 10:30 am.  If you would like to join us, details and a signup sheet are posted in the hallway next to the coat room.  A facilitator is needed to organize this.  Contact Sandie Copass if you are interested.


Barb Dawson has requested some meals to help her through her recovery. Below is a link to Meal Train https://mealtrain.com/514v5k that has been set up for meals to be delivered to her every other day. If you can help in any way, please use the above link bless our sister. If you are not able to access the Meal Train app, email Rebecca Beeson at rbteacher2@gmail.com and she will reserve a date for you.

The York College chorus is hoping to visit Thursday January 4 and will be needing food and overnight housing.  If you can help, please let Kevin Morrill know.

Club 55 needs volunteers to coordinate activities in October and December.  Please see Billie Barnes or Scot Cerka if you would like to help.

If you have printer cartridges to recycle, a box has been placed where you can put them and support Schultz Lewis Child and Family Services at the same time.  Funds are also being raised from “Box Top$ for Education” products when purchased and you scan your receipt with your smart phone using the Box Tops mobile app.

Regular Events

Marie Coffey invites those with a Facebook account to join a Virtual Bible study on Tuesdays at 7 pm.  Send a Facebook friend request to Marie and message that you want to join.

Mid-week study at the building, Wednesday, 7 pm, is studying the Major Points of the the Minor Prophets.  A Zoom virtual meeting is also set up.  https://us02web.zoom.us/j/9244519244

The First Tuesday Men’s Fellowship and Study Group is planned for the first Tuesday of each month (Sept.-June), 6:30 pm, at the building with food.  Dan Giombi has details. Next meeting is September 5.

A time of prayer is planned for the second Tuesday of each month at the building, 7:00 p.m., and after morning worship on the first Sunday of each month. Next meeting is September 12, 2023.

The Thursday morning Ladies Bible class will resume on September 14 at 10:00 am and will be using the book titled, “Seamless” by Angie Smith.


The library at Southside is being revived!  If you have checked out books in the past and they grew legs and ran away, we would appreciate if you could catch them and put them in the library drop box in the foyer by the bulletin boards and tables.

Ken and Troy are looking into setting up an Endowment Fund for Southside based on member suggestions.  Please let them know if you have any comments.

Free recordings of the Sunday morning sermons are available at the church web site sside-church.org.

The BibleProject has an aid for reading the Bible through in a year called One Story that Leads to Jesus.  It includes animated videos to help understand the design and flow of the Bible.  It can be accessed at:  http://bible.com/r/5nF

Bible classes and sermons can be found on-line at either of:
https://www.facebook.com/Southside-Church-of-Christ-190272987677018/  Connection card link.

There’s a special group of people here at Southside that are ages 55 and older, called Club 55.  They hold fellowship events, things for other age groups, and service projects that reach out to Milwaukee and beyond.  See the Club 55 bulletin board for more information, or contact Scot Cerka at (630) 631-4618 for more information.

Contribution:        Jul 16      $3,458     
Contribution:        Aug 27    $2,292         Weekly budget $4,500


When planning events, don’t forget to check the calendar in the back hallway by room 9 for conflicts and enter your own events.  This is for events that involve use of the building and/or for a majority of the congregation.

MP3 copies of all past sermons are available publicly on the church web site. sside-church.org. (May – July are missing)
(To view announcements and info for members, log in at the bottom of the first page by entering the member log-in password: sscoc1234)

The Southside e-mail list is an automated mail list used for church related matters such as announcements, prayer requests, and items of interest to the congregation.  If you would like to be added to the e-mail list, contact the church office with your name and e-mail.  Please see Laurie Giombi for details.

Please see the bulletin boards for additional announcements.
