1933 West Grange Avenue, Milwaukee, WI 53221 (Map) | (414) 282-8680

Prayer Requests 6-23-2024

“Prayers don’t need to be long or eloquent, they need only come from a sincere and humble heart.”

We pray for Patrick, April, Rhiley, Ryland & Emory Bowman, for Godspeed as they pack their family up and start their new life in Searcy, Arkansas. (Anyone available to help them load up their truck July 1 is asked to come to their apt. starting at 10 AM. 4718 N. 100th St. Apt. 109.  Patrick’s cell: 337-277-7193)

Justin Youngblood had an accident this week which he is in quite a bit of pain from and he required staples in his head. Please continue prayers for Justin.

Lou Brown recently fell and has pain in his ribs and back. He suffers with dementia and needs care when Mary is tending to her mother. Please pray for both Lou and Mary.

John Werner’s brother-in-law recently passed away from stomach cancer.
Also, John’s father fell recently and requires care from the family. Please keep John and the family in prayer.
