1933 West Grange Avenue, Milwaukee, WI 53221 (Map) | (414) 282-8680

Indoor Mini-Golf Event – Club 55+ and Teens

In early Spring, Club 55+ hosted indoor mini-golf for the youth (and adults) in our church’s fellowship hall. I enjoy mini golf, so I looked forward to it. The Wednesday before the event I was at the church for Bible study. There were several mysterious piles of random objects partially hidden under sheets. Since this was the first mini golf event I knew of at Southside, I wasn’t sure what to expect, but any expectations I did have were surpassed.

The members of Club 55+ created golf course with at least 9 holes. I’m pretty sure there were even more holes than that, but I don’t remember the exact number. Each one was unique and challenging. It was easy to tell that a lot of effort was put into it. And there was a cake afterward, complete with its own green. There were even prizes for the winners in both the youth and adult categories. Four people tied for first in the youth category, but it was a clean win in the adult category.

I believe that everyone who attended had a lot of fun. I know I did. I also know it was a lot of work, and I want to thank everyone who took the time to put it together. I also want to ask them to do it again next year. I’m hoping this becomes an annual event. I’ll practice, and next time maybe I’ll win.

– Grace Zingraf

