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Healthy Communities Are Godly Wise – 06-20-21

James 3:1-18

Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God Matt 5:9.  In the beginning we observe God as a peacemaker in turning a chaotic earth into ordered goodness.  It took only a few distorted words to convince humanity that God was not really good and wanted good for them.  We are told that which has gone wrong is being made right by “the Word”.  His wisdom is the way to and the source of life.  The order and the peace grow through trust and trust is revealed in how we speak and act.  If our speech and behaviors are reflecting Jesus in increasing ways we join His mission as “peacemakers who sow in peace raise a harvest of righteousness” James 3:18.  What your life is producing identifies the mission to which you are most committed and the wisdom you are using to guide you.  As a child of God, are you a participating peacemaker in the building the wise community of God?

6-20-21 Outline

6-20-21 PowerPoint

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