1933 West Grange Avenue, Milwaukee, WI 53221 (Map) | (414) 282-8680

Prayer Requests 04-10-22

“Prayers don’t need to be long or eloquent, they need only come from a sincere and humble heart.”

Judy Nowlin is scheduled for sinus surgery Wednesday (4/13) and appreciates prayers for successful surgery and for the recovery period afterward.

Tom Nowlin has been experiencing a lot of pain in his back. Pray for him to get some releif.

Marcos Alicea’s throat surgery is now scheduled for April 14. He will require radiation treatments following the surgery.

Leigh Kilsdonk asks prayers for her neighbor, Butch Ostrowski, who was recently diagnosed with prostate cancer and has just beginning his treatment for it.

Barb Dawson is not healing from her most recent knee surgery as she and the doctors had hoped and may need another surgery.

Sandra Ferry asks prayers for her granddaughter, Dana, and for her baby due to arrive at the end of the month. The baby girl is in the breach position.

Vicky, a coworker of Jim Nichols, is undergoing aggressive chemotherapy for breast cancer. Jim and Lori request our prayers for Vicky.

Maria Guerra says, “Thank you so much for the prayers and cards I received following my surgery. It is good to know how many people care.”

Please remember those who have recently lost loved ones:
Christine Saunders, in the loss of her brother, Kevin.
Joel Ribar, in the loss of his sister, Cindy.
