“Prayers don’t need to be long or eloquent, they need only come from a sincere and humble heart.”
Patti Young is in a rehab facility in West Bend. Please pray for her continued improvement and for the source of her issues to be found and rectified.
Joyce Storer asks prayers for continued healing and patience to be compliant with the restrictions needed for complete healing after her hip surgery.
John Werner’s dad has been put in a rehab facility to gain strength before returning home. John spent the weekend with him to help him at the rehab facility.
Congratulations and God’s blessing to Staci & Dean Sellenheim who were married at Southside Saturday, December 16.
Leigh Kilsdonk – “I am so grateful to the church elders for making online services possible as well as in person!”
“I am asking the church to join me in praying that those of us Southside members, who have covid, recover well with no lasting effects. Also, that all of the healthy members remain so.”
Morrill family – “Praise God that we can worship together even in difficult times!”
Please continue to remember those who have lost loved ones recently or who are ill or struggling spiritually. Also remember to Praise God, especially for the many ways in which we are truly blessed.
Consider reaching out to others with encouragement and a friendly word or card. Please especially pray for our family at Southside.
Patti Young fell and hit her head recently. Later she began feeling weak and was taken to a community hospital with low potassium.
We had a large number who had contracted Covid recently. Barb Dawson; Margaret Franzen; Leigh Kilsdonk; Troy and Jean Jensen; Allison and Kevin Morrill; Rocky Slaughter; Mark and Karen Van Handel; Christine, Jeremiah and Eli Saunders, and there are probably more we are not aware of at this time.
The Beeson’s friends Julius and Anna Ford in Alabama suffered stillbirth after nearly completing the full nine months. This was their first pregnancy and they are grieving.
Christine Saunders’ nephew Trent Eissner and his wife Julia delivered twin boys early who are in NICU and at high risk.
Karen Hamilton was hospitalized with a blood infection. She is recovering at home.
Marcos Alicea is in the hospital and may be nearing end of life.
Juanita Hernandez had eye surgery and is unable to read at this time.
Sandie Copass’s brother Lewis is being treated for prostate cancer and her brother-in-law Frank is in hospice in very poor health.
Troy Jensen’s mother is being treated for mini bleeds in her head after she suffered a stroke recently.
Patrick Bowman reports that he and April are expecting a baby girl in April and that his dad is being treated for prostate trouble and may have a heart blockage. Also pray for Patrick to make good progress on his dissertation.
Diane Santana’s oldest grandson, Adam Santana, was involved in a serious car accident, he is quite sore.
Mary Read‘s brother, Clarence Read, passed away November 18.
Debbie Slaughter had emergency gall bladder surgery. The surgery went well and she is recovering nicely.
Bobbie Kleppin asks prayers for Joe and herself. They are going through a difficult time.
Joan Wainscott is being treated for back pain, lower left leg pain and numb toes. Joan and her doctor are hoping that surgery will not be required.
Please continue to remember those who have lost loved ones recently or who are ill or struggling. Also remember to Praise God, especially for the many ways in which we are truly blessed.