1933 West Grange Avenue, Milwaukee, WI 53221 (Map) | (414) 282-8680
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I have been overwhelmed with the love and care you have given me! I thought I would be devastated when my Dad died, but God has graciously blessed me with a peace that truly passes understanding! I am so confident that I served God through caring for Dad, and that I was able to fulfill all Dad’s wishes for a quality life (but he got quantity as well ). I prayed that I would stay alive long enough to care for Dad – and I feel like I have run the race and won! (And now every day is a bonus!!) There is such joy in serving God as we serve those around us.

Dad donated his body for research, and the family will gather to celebrate his life when we get the cremains back (up to 3 years hence). But there are friends and neighbors in Milwaukee who got to know Dad, and we are planning a celebration of life with lunch on Saturday, April 29 at noon at the church building to help them have some closure. I see this as an opportunity for folks who might not otherwise come to church to be able to interact with my church family.

For anyone who is available and interested, I’d love to have you join us! Jean Jensen is coordinating the food, so check with her if you can bring a side or dessert (we’re having Dad’s favorites – ham and Mom’s mac and cheese).

FYI, here’s a link to the obituary: https://www.jsonline.com/obituaries/mjs076662

Praise God for his abundant grace and abounding love!
