1933 West Grange Avenue, Milwaukee, WI 53221 (Map) | (414) 282-8680
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This training, held at Southside Church, is offered for those who wish to renew their certification or be certified for the first time. Narcan administration training will be included. This certification will be good for 2 years.
The class will take 3-4 hours to complete. The cost is $45/person and includes techniques for treating adults, children and infants.

Prior registration is required. Preferred class size is 6-8 people. If more sign up, two classes will be scheduled.

Please contact Karen Van Handel or the office if you’re interested.

CPR is Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and is a lifesaving technique that is useful in many emergencies, including a heart attack, choking or near drowning when someone’s breathing or heartbeat has stopped.
AED stands for Automated External Defibrillator. We have one of these devices on the wall next to the camp bulletin board. It is an easy-to-use device that can be used to electrically diagnose and treat an abnormal heart rhythm.
Narcan is a medication that is used to treat an opioid emergency such as a overdose or a possible overdose of a narcotic medicine.